Monday 10 August 2009

Thursday - Sunday

Glitterbest went really well! Great audience and performers. Got flyers Thursday and started distribution for Not Night. Friday got paid for working for Splash of London. Money + Charlie...went out with JS Barnett at Cat & Mutton. Crashed like a baby. Saturday drinks with Laura Pickering. Sunday woke up close to Brosdway Market and strolled down to Nelson. Met Pertra, havent seen her since HOME. Petra's friend, Valeria was celebrating her b -day. Hot stuff from italy with a hip hop video bdy and outfit(short, short dress) we made out in Ladies and did C, MDMA, drinks and beers all sunny Sunday. Woke up Monday after 12 hours sleep. Supposed to do Splash but he's overslept as always...

Wednesday 5 August 2009

Standon Calling + Monday - Tuesday

Weekend. Performing on Galileo stage and BCB tipi to great a praise. People came up to me and wanted a hug, beautiful women stranded over me, I blew joint smoke in their mouths and danced with my friends methadone, e, charlie and ketamine and kept on dancing the next day. then walked in the scorching sun with the help of a stick to the village to buy some whiskey and downed it by the pool, while giving up on reading Nietzsche. Few hours rest in tent and then train to Liverpool Street. Met guy who arranges Secret Garden...back in London it was time to down two bottles of white wine with Tim the mad professor who isnt a professor...met beautiful Cuban Melissa, til V tore up her nr

Great performance rounding up RAW. next one 7th sept. cant wait! Good to be back in kentish!

Back in squat. reading Twilight of the Gods. Found black paint. Today Glitterbest. Tomorrow paint...and Rum Punch