Thursday 23 July 2009


Cash! Me and V did Islington. Found financial admin for studios SPACE for atrist. Might be future studio sponsor. Meeting her again Friday at Studio Spaces Mare Street. Met actor Richard, friend of V at Barley Mow. Agreed to jam with me. Exciting stuff

Thursday 16 July 2009


Glitterbest with Orlando Seale, Agnes Meadows and Olumide Popoola and me. Got mic instructions from UK's famous magician Paul Daniels in the house. And he did have a point, which I openly admitted...

Great night!

Then of to Macbeth for a wild band, containing an Iriish bloke I used to brake in to houses with in the winter and my assistant from the Not Night on backing vocals. I booked them for next Not Night, And the singer looks raw and cool.

Wednesday 15 July 2009

Monday - Tuesday


BCB Soho. Hung with Mark O'Rourke. The resident Homerton Hospital Artist.


Private views in West End with Mark and Alfred Camp

Tuesday 14 July 2009

Thursday - Sunday


After much ado Krister Linder arrives for the Not Night. Success! Mark O'Rourke and Lottie arrive. A lot of new faces. After aprty at V's. I fall asleep exhausted as usual.


Shopping with christer V and Viva after drinks in Primrose Hill. Stay up all night chatting to Christer who's of on the sunrise flight to Stockholm


After 3 hours sleep picked up be lesbian Vegan army van and driven to Kimberley, this Trustafarian festival in Norfolk. Got to ride in the van on the bed, so catch some shut eye. Arrive, perform, nail it! Now it's mayhem time: first date with Rebecca who I find in the main tent, we go sauna and steam tenting. Next day, next date Emily, 18 year old and one of the pilot's daughters which comes in handy since I get to fly for free!
Pilot on e come down over Kimberley mansion. Dangerously low!
Last night, Sunday, on roof top of Vegan van find Christine, part Arrakan Indian, part dancer, part choreographer. Have yet to get her out of my mind....